My little baby girl is now officially TWO! How time passes by so quickly! She is full of energy so needless to say there is certainly not a dull moment with her. She enjoys strolling her baby {currently named "Too"} around the house and tea parties. When I asked her what she wanted for dinner tonight she couldn't decide between pizza and hamburgers. We made homemade oreo ice cream and already enjoyed a little taste! I am looking forward to our next year and am anxious to see what it brings us. Thank you Lord for my beautiful child!

A little too much sun in her eyes...oops

I just had to post this hands-on-the-hip one!
Happy birthday, precious Davis. I love you beyond measure.
Happy Birthday sweet girl!! Hope you had a fun day!!
Happy Birthday, sweet Davis! Stinkin' cute!!
Thanksfor my birthday wishes!
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